The 83rd Infantry Division on December 25, 1944
83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | Vicht, Stolberg, Germany1 | Reveille formation held at 0500. Men alerted to be prepared for any emergency. Day topped off with turkey supper, enjoyed by all. |
HQCO | Vicht, Stolberg, Germany1 | Reveille formation held at 0500. Men alerted to be prepared for any emergency. Day topped off with turkey supper, enjoyed by all. |
ARTYHQ | Gressenich, Germany | No changes |
ARTYHQBTRY | Gressenich, Germany | No changes |
ARTYMEDDET | Gressenich, Germany | Regular Combat Duties |
SPTRPSHQ | Vicinity of Vicht, Germany | Christmas day with Turkey and all the trimmings served for supper. Usual Administrative Duties in Combat Area. Weather: Fair and Cold. |
SPTRPSMEDDET | Vicinity of Vicht, Germany | Christmas day with Turkey and all the trimmings served for supper. Usual Medical Duties in Combat Area. Weather: Fair and Cold. |
BAND | Vicinity of Aachen, Germany | Usual Band Duties in Combat Area. Christmas day with Turkey and all the trimmings served for support. Weather: Fair and Cold. |
MP | Mausbach, Stolberg, Germany1 | No changes |
QM | Aachen, Germany | No changes |
83rd Reconnaissance Troop, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
C | Lintert, Aachen, Germany1 | 21 Dec 44 to 25 Dec 44 - Troop moved from Mausbach, Germany 1430 25 Dec 44 arvd Linterterheidee, Germany 1515 25 Dec 44. Usual Operations. |
83rd Signal Company, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
C | Aachen, Germany | No changes |
329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
HQCO | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
HQ1BN | Eilendorf, Germany1 | Bn in reserve. |
HQCO1BN | Eilendorf, Germany1 | Co in reserve. Weather fair; morale excellent. |
A | Eilendorf, Aachen, Germany1 | No changes |
B | Eilendorf, Germany1 | Co in reserve in Eilendorf, Germany |
C | Eilendorf, Germany1 | Co in reserve. Co CP Eilendorf, Germany |
D | Eilendorf, Germany1 | Company in Reserve at Eilendorf, Germany |
HQ2BN | Eilendorf, Germany1 | Bn in reserve at Eilendorf. |
HQCO2BN | Eilendorf, Germany1 | Co in reserve in Eilendorf. |
E | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
F | Eilendorf, Germany1 | Company as part of Division was put in Army Reserve (9th Army). Almost everyone went to church this morning |
G | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
H | Eilendorf, Germany1 | Company in Reserve. Cleaning Equipment and weapons. Turkey Dinner served to entire Company and enjoyed by all. |
HQ3BN | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
HQCO3BN | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
I | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
K | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
L | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
M | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
SERCO | Rothe Erde | No changes |
ATCO | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
CANCO | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
MEDDET | Eilendorf, Germany1 | No changes |
330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | 1/2 mile south-west of Gey, Germany1 | No changes |
HQCO | 1/2 mile south-west of Gey, Germany1 | Christmas Day. Turkey for dinner. |
HQ1BN | Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
HQCO1BN | Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
A | Winden, Germany | No changes |
B | Winden, Germany | No changes |
C | Winden, Germany | No changes |
D | Langenbroich, Germany1 | No changes |
HQ2BN | Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
HQCO2BN | Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
E | Untermaubach, Germany1 | No changes |
F | 1/2 mile east of Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
G | Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
H | Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
HQ3BN | Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
HQCO3BN | Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
I | 800 yards south-east of Bilstein, Kreuzau, Germany1 | No changes |
K | Untermaubach, Germany1 | No changes |
L | Untermaubach, Germany1 | No changes |
M | Straß, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
SERCO | Gressenich, Germany | Company alerted at 0500 for possible enemy airborne attack. Turkey dinner for all members of the company and attached personnel. MERRY CHRISTMAS. |
ATCO | 200 yards north-east of Großhau, Germany1 | No changes |
CANCO | 1/4 mile north of Großhau, Germany1 | No changes |
MEDDET | Schevenhütte, Germany1 | No changes |
331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | Aachen, Germany | No changes |
HQCO | Aachen, Germany | Usual CP duties |
HQ1BN | Kufferath, Germany | No changes |
HQCO1BN | Kufferath, Germany | No changes |
A | Kufferath, Germany | Company making use of drying rooms. Light shelling the area. Christmas Dinner served in house. Company preparing to move. Weather fair. Morale good. |
B | Gey, Germany | Co remained in Gey manning outposts. Weather: Cold and clear. Morale: High. Roast turkey was served for Christmas dinner. |
C | Kufferath, Germany | Our 3rd Pltn OP contacted new 104th Div. unit on our left, they had relieved Blue last night. Supplied clean sox and each pltn checked feet. |
D | Kufferath, Germany | No changes |
HQ2BN | 1 mile south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | Bn alerted for possible enemy action at 0500 until daylight. No action taken. Some Co's served turkey dinners where as Bn HQs and HQ Co to have theirs at noon 26 Dec 1944 (Turkeys not defrosted). Weather bright and clear. Morale excellent. |
HQCO2BN | 1 mile south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | 1 EM fr Serv Co this Regt atchd for rations qtrs and dy. Company alerted at 0500 Until daylight. |
E | 1 mile South East of Aachen, Germany | Company alerted from 0500 until daylight. Platoon from company used as guard detail. Weapons platoon furnished guard for aircraft protection. |
F | 1 mile south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | No changes |
G | 1 mile south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | Company alerted 0500 until daylight |
H | 1 mile south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | No changes |
HQ3BN | 1000 yards south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | No changes |
HQCO3BN | 1000 yards south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | Foot troops moved fr Gey at 1115 to GRoshau and entrucked, arrived at present location at approx 1400. All troops quartered in barracks. Xmas dinner served at 1600 and plenty for all. A negro T/Sgt brought to CP he was arrested for looting and turned over to regt. |
I | south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | Moved to and occupying building in assembly area. |
K | 1000 yards south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | 23-25 Dec 44: Gey. Company left Lendensdorf Marched into Gey. Set up defensive position 25 Dec 44: Company marched into Grasshau, entrucked at 1100. Motor march to Brand. Detrucked at 1255. Moved into Barracks. Weather: Clear-Warmer. Men in good spirits. |
L | 1000 yards south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | Bn moved from Gey, Germany to assembly area at present location. |
M | 1000 yards south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | No changes |
SERCO | 2 1/2 miles south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | Company moved by motor fr bivouac area 2 mi E of Shevenhutte, Germany to bivouac area 2 1/2 mi SE of Aachen, Germany. Roads: Good. Weather: Cool and Bright. Morale: High |
ATCO | 1/2 mile south-east of Aachen, Germany1 | Co moved from Gey 072395, Germany 1100, 25 Dec 44 to Aachen 870416, Germany 1/2 mi SE arrived 1330. |
CANCO | 1 mile west of Aachen, Germany1 | No changes |
MEDDET | Aachen, Germany | Det left 1/2 mile W Gey Germany at 1500. Arrived at Aachen, Germany at 1435. Distance traveled; approx 18 miles. Movement made by convoy. Weather: clear and cold. Morale good. |
322nd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | 1 1/2 mile south-east of Wenau, Langerwehe, Germany1 | No changes |
HQBTRY | 1 1/2 mile south-east of Wenau, Langerwehe, Germany1 | No changes |
A | West of Lendersdorf, Düren, Germany1 | No changes |
B | 1/2 mile south of Hof Hardt, Hürtgenwald, Germany1 | No changes |
C | West of Lendersdorf, Düren, Germany1 | No changes |
SERBTRY | Gressenich, Germany1 | No changes |
MEDDET | 1 1/2 mile south-east of Wenau, Langerwehe, Germany1 | No changes |
323rd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | 3 miles west of Großhau, Germany1 | No changes |
HQBTRY | 3 miles west of Großhau, Germany1 | No changes |
A | 3 miles west of Großhau, Germany1 | No changes |
B | 3 miles west of Großhau, Germany1 | No changes |
C | 3 miles west of Großhau, Germany1 | No changes |
SERBTRY | Gressenich, Germany1 | No changes |
MEDDET | 3 miles west of Großhau, Germany1 | No changes |
324th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | 3 miles east of Schevenhütte, Germany1 | Bn registred by Air Observer. Fired on enemy guns, bridge and fired TOT on towns. Bn has fired 35000 rds of ammunition at enemy troops and installations. Div Arty Exec visited CP. Weather: Cold. Morale: Excellent. |
HQBTRY | 2 miles west of Gey, Germany1 | Usual combat duties. Btry was alerted at 0500. Weather: Cold. Morale: Excellent. |
A | 2 1/2 miles west of Gey, Germany | Christmas dinner consisting of Turkey & all the usual trimmings was served to members of Btry. Ordnance repair men repaired minor parts on howitzers. 1st Lt LaFollette, Tec 4 Dudek & Cpl Mihelcic went forward to Able OP & relieved 2nd Lt Baber & party. While at OP Lt Baber could not observe any enemy activity due to poor visibility. Howitzers fired 12 rounds registration, 52 rounds preparation, 14 rounds on enemy guns, 8 rounds on a marshalling area and 6 rounds on enemy strong points. Weather: Fair & Cold. Morale: Excellent. |
B | 1 mile north of Großhau, Germany1 | Btry fired 93 rounds today on enemy Guns, Strong points and harassing fire. One enemy Jet propelled plane was over Btry Area today. AAA atchd to Btry fired on plane. Weather: Clear and cold. Morale: Excellent. |
C | 1 1/2 north-west of Gey, Germany1 | Btry fired on enemy positions and installations. All personnel were awake and on duty at 0600. Xmas dinner was excellent. Weather: Cold, clear. Morale: Excellent. |
SERBTRY | 1/2 mile south of Schevenhütte, Germany1 | Ammo section left Btry at 0815 to draw ammo returned at 1350 left again at 1400 and returned to Btry at 1700. Btry Mess served Christmas dinner at 1400. Weather: Cold and clear. Morale: Excellent. |
MEDDET | 2 miles west of Gey, Germany1 | Usual medical care given personnel. Christmas dinner was enjoyed by all. Weather clear and cold. Morale excellent. |
908th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | 1 1/2 mile south-west of Birgel, Germany1 | Bn reinforcing fires of 322nd FA Bn in direct support of 3rd Bn, 414th, 104th Inf Div in XIX Corps, IX Army sector. Bn detached fr 83rd Inf DIv. Considerable air activity over area throughout day and early evening, no bombs dropped in area. No enemy counter-battery fire within area, considerable number of rounds of heavy caliber gun fell to the right of area. Weather: Clear and cold. Heavy night frost. Health of Command: Good. Daily inspection of feet discloses no trench foot has made it appearance among troops of this command. Morale: Excellent. Casualties: None. |
HQBTRY | 2 miles south-west of Birgel, Germany1 | No activity. Weather: Clear and cold. Morale: Excellent. |
A | 1 1/2 mile north-east of Gey, Germany1 | Btry in position and firing on enemy. Weather: clear and cold. Morale: Excellent. |
B | 1 mile north of Gey, Germany1 | Btry in position firing on enemy installations. No counter Btry fire. No hostile air activities. Weather: Clear & cold. Morale: Excellent. |
C | 1 1/2 mile west of Birgel, Germany1 | Position & installation remain the same. Weather: Clear & cold. |
SERBTRY | 2 miles west of Schevenhütte, Germany1 | Hauling supplies. Weather: Fair & cold. Morale: Excellent. |
MEDDET | 2 miles south-west of Birgel, Germany1 | Aid station in operation. No battle casualties. Weather: Fair & cold. Morale: Excellent. |
308th Medical Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | Aachen, Germany | Aachen, Germany, vK8443 should be Aachen, Germany, vK8242. Usual field duties. |
HQDET | Aachen, Germany | Aachen, Germany, vK8443 should be Aachen, Germany, vK8242. Usual field duties. |
A | Eilendorf, Aachen, Germany1 | This station in operation, no casualties. An alert information was held in this company at 0500 this morning. Weather: Clear and cold. Morale: Excellent. |
B | 2 1/2 miles south-east of Schevenhütte, Germany1 | Co at same location in the Hurtgen Forest at coord: wF0238, 2 1/2 Mi SE of Schevenhutte, supporting the 330th Inf Regt. Casualties have been few today. Our Christmas day has been spent in a quiet manner, weather being clear and brisk. Church services were held this afternoon. Morale is good. |
C | 2 miles north-west of Gey, Germany1 | No changes |
D | Aachen, Germany | 2nd Platoon operating at Station at Aachen, Germany, coord: vK8242. 1st Platoon operating Clearing Station at 1/2 mi SW Zweifall, Germany, coord: vK9535. |
308th Engineer Combat Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | Süssendell, Stolberg, Germany1 | No changes |
HQSVCO | Süssendell, Stolberg, Germany1 | No changes |
A | Aachen, Germany | Left Schevenhutte, 2 Mi E. F-0341, by motor convoy at 0900 and arrived at present location about 1030. |
B | 4 kilometers south-west of Schevenhütte, Germany1 | Weather: Fair and cold |
C | 1 mile west of Gey, Germany1 | 2 Officers and 13 EM sent to Rest Center. Weather: Clear. |
MEDDET | Süssendell, Stolberg, Germany1 | No changes |
453rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery (Automatic Weapons) Battalion | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
HQ | Gressenich, Germany | Usual combat duties |
HQBTRY | Gressenich, Germany | Usual combat duties |
A | 2000 yards east of Gey, Germany1 | Usual combat duties |
B | 2600 meters north-north-west of Gey, Germany1 | Usual combat duties |
C | 1800 yards west of Großhau, Germany1 | Usual combat duties |
D | 2800 meters north-west of Gey, Germany1 | Usual combat duties |
MEDDET | Gressenich, Germany | Usual combat duties |
783rd Ordnance Company, 83rd Infantry Division | ||
Company / Unit | Station | Record of events |
C | Vicinity of Aachen, Germany | Co. alerted to be prepared for any emergency, reveille formation held at 0500. Christmas Day turkey dinner enjoyed by all, moral high. |