Database 83rd Infantry Division

The 83rd Infantry Division on July 27, 1944

This page shows the locations and record of events for today in 1944 or 1945. The map contains the locations, based on the coordinate on the morning report, shown in NATO symbology. A rectangle with two diagonals indicates an Infantry unit and the number on the bottom right hand indicates which organization the unit is part of (e.g. 330 is 330th Infantry Regiment). The value on the bottom left is the name of the unit (e.g. A is A Company). The table below the map contains the written locations, a link to the specific morning report of that unit and the record of events for 'today'. You can collapse the entries for specific units by clicking on the table header.

Disclaimer: The data below is solely based on the information of the morning reports. Coordinates were sometimes incorrectly noted and town names written incorrectly. A 1 indicates that the town name was corrected from the original.

This overview is brought to you by Thijs Hodiamont, documents courtesy of various contributors with a special thanks to Myra Miller, PhD. You can find us at our Facebook outlet

83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ 1 3/4 mile south-west of Carentan, France1 No changes
HQCO 1 3/4 mile south-west of Carentan, France1 No changes
ARTYHQ 1 miles south-west of Hotot, France No changes
ARTYHQBTRY 1 miles south-west of Hotot, France No changes
ARTYMEDDET 1 miles south-west of Hotot, France No changes
SPTRPSHQ 1 3/4 mile south-west of Carentan, France1 No changes
SPTRPSMEDDET 1 3/4 mile south-west of Carentan, France1 No changes
BAND 1 3/4 mile south-west of Carentan, France1 No changes
MP 2 1/2 miles south of Carentan, France No changes
QM Carentan, France Left Carentan bivouac area 1930 by infiltration. Arrived Tribehou bivouac area 2100.
83rd Reconnaissance Troop, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
C Sainteny, France1 No changes
83rd Signal Company, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
C 1/4 mile south-east of La Mannerie, Carentan, France1 No changes
329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ 3 miles north-east of Pérriers, France1 No changes
HQCO 3 miles north-east of Pérriers, France1 Moved 3 Mi S by motor. Left 1815 arrived 1900.
HQ1BN South of Sainteny, Normandy, France1 No changes
HQCO1BN South of Sainteny, Normandy, France1 No changes
A 1 mile south of Sainteny, Normandy, France1 No changes
B 1 mile south of Sainteny, Normandy, France1 No changes
C 1 mile south of Sainteny, Normandy, France1 No changes
D Near Sainteny, Normandy, France1 No changes
HQ2BN Near Sainteny, France No changes
HQCO2BN Near Sainteny, France No changes
E 1 mile south of Sainteny, France 1 No changes
F South-west of Sainteny, France1 No changes
G 1 1/2 mile south-east of Sainteny, France1 No changes
H 2 miles south of Sainteny, France1 No changes
HQ3BN 1 1/4 mile north-west of Marchésieux, France1 Bn moved forward assembly area Unit in Div reserve.
HQCO3BN 1 1/4 mile north-west of Marchésieux, France1 No changes
I 3/4 mile east of Sainteny, France1 No changes
K South of Sainteny, France1 No changes
L 3 miles west of Sainteny, France1 No changes
M Sainteny, France Moved forward, remaining in Regimental Reserve.
SERCO 4 miles south-west of Carentan, France1 No changes
ATCO 3 miles south-east of Périers, Normandy, France1 Left Area at 2000. Traveled 3 mi So Cross country over rough terrain. Arr new area 2047. Periers 3 mi NE.
CANCO Near Sainteny, France1 No changes
MEDDET 1 mile south-west of Sainteny, France1 No changes
330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ 1 1/2 mile south-east of Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
HQCO 1 1/2 mile south-east of Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 CP moved to new location.
HQ1BN Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
HQCO1BN Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
A Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
B 1000 yards north-east of Le Mesnil-Vigot, France1 26 Jul 44 - Co crossed St Lo & Piss highway at 1000, being the first unit in the division to cross. Atchd with Co G north of highway, we being on the south, met strong enemy resisitence & crossfire from MG’s which held op Co most of the day. Enplayed motar and cannon fire in an attempt to knock out the enemy guns, but failed. Finally located a point in the lines where a break through was possible. Attacked again, and broke through. MG’s on left flank was knocked out by our riflemen closing in on their positions. The attack then progressed more rapidly and contact was made with the enemy who kept rolling back towards the direction of Calentinerle. Advanced 600 Yds and withdrew 200 Yds on order and consolidated our positions and tied in our defences with Co G on our right and Co E on our left. Finished digging in about 2300. Believe now the replacements have more confidence. 27 Jul 44 - Made preparations for an attack that was begun at 0815, following a ten minute artillery preparation. At 0805 artillery preparation fell into our own positions completely disorganizing the entire Company. We reorganized and moved forward the attack. After moving 200 yds another concentration of our own artillery fell into our own lines causing many casualties and again disorganizing the company. The moral of the men was then very low. Our artillery from one direction, and enemy from the other. Lt Maynard matched his wits with the artillery by jumping across the hedge when our artillery fired and returned o the other side when the enemy fired. After reorganising we pushed on in the attack again & advanced 200 yds and were met by a very strong enemy resistence. Attempted to attack to the front, but suffered many casualties so we withdrew. Leading Platoon then went around the flank (left) with the support platoon but they also met stiff resistence, so withdrew. Conacted Co C on our left and made plans for joint attack after placing down numerous concentrations of 81mm fire. Elements of Co C advanced approximately 100 yds when the enemy opened up with MG’s and a direct fire weapon believed to be a 88mm Gun. They also suffered casualties, and we were again forced to withdraw. The plain failed, period. We then received orders at 2100 to consolidate our positions, dig in and set our defences for the night. The spirit and courage of the men, new and old was outstanding, and their willingness to follow orders in the face of fierce enemy resistence was remarkable.
C 1000 yards north-east of Le Mesnil-Eury, France1 No changes
D 1 mile south of Remilly-Sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
HQ2BN 1200 yards north-east of Le Mesnil-Vigot, France1 No changes
HQCO2BN 1200 yards north-east of Le Mesnil-Vigot, France1 No changes
E 1 1/2 mile south of La Barre, Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 Remained in same position as Regtl reserve company.
F 1 1/2 mile south of La Barre, Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
G 2 miles south-west of La Barre, Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
H 1500 yards north-east of Le Mesnil-Vigot, France1 No changes
HQ3BN 2 1/2 miles west of La Barre, Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
HQCO3BN 2 1/2 miles west of La Barre, Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
I 3 miles north-east of La Barre, Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
K La Barre 600 yds Company in Bn Reserve - Bn pushing Enemy south across highway.
L 4 miles west of Marigny, Marigny-le-Lozon, France 1 No changes
M None No changes
SERCO 1 mile south of Tribehou, France1 Company supplied front lines by motor with ammunition & rations.
ATCO 2 miles south-west of Les Champs-de-Losque, France1 Moved up a couple of miles to-day. No casualties morale high.
CANCO 1 mile south of Tribehou, France1 No changes
MEDDET 1 1/2 mile south-east of Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 No changes
331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ 1 mile north-east of Sainteny, France1 Preparation for movement of C.P.
HQCO 1 mile east of Sainteny, France1 Preparation for movement of C.P.
HQ1BN 2 1/4 miles south-east of Sainteny, France1 No changes
HQCO1BN 2 1/4 miles south-east of Sainteny, France1 No changes
A 2 1/4 miles south-east of Sainteny, France1 No changes
B 2 1/4 miles south-east of Sainteny, France1 Night attack launched. Objective taken with light casualties. Many mines and booby traps encountered.
C 2 1/4 miles south-east of Sainteny, France1 No changes
D 2 miles south-east of Sainteny, France1 No changes
HQ2BN 2 3/4 miles south of Sainteny, France1 No changes
HQCO2BN 3/4 mile south-west of Auxais, France1 No changes
E 3/4 mile South West of Auxais, France No changes
F 3/4 mile south-west of Auxais, France1 No changes
G 2 3/4 miles south of Sainteny, France1 No changes
H 2 3/4 miles south-west of Sainteny, France1 No changes
HQ3BN 2 Miles South of Sainteny, France No changes
HQCO3BN 2 Miles South of Sainteny, France No changes
I 2 Miles South of Sainteny, France No changes
K 2 miles south of Sainteny, France1 No changes
L 2 miles South of Sainteny, France No changes
M 2 miles South of Sainteny, France No changes
SERCO 1 3/4 mile north-east of Sainteny, France1 No changes
ATCO 1 mile east of Sainteny, France1 Regiment made attack finding only light resistance. They moved from 2000 yards So of Auxis to vicinity approximately 2000 yds So of Marchesleaux. Anti Tank moving forward with Bns. to furnish Anti mechanized protection. Weather fair Morale High.
CANCO 1 mile east of Sainteny, France1 No changes
MEDDET Chateau Auxais, France No changes
322nd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
SERBTRY Near La Lande Godard, Normandy, France1 No changes
323rd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Bivouac Area 1 1/2 mile south-east of Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 Dp Biv Area 2 1/2 S Tribehou, France 1745 T101726. Arrived Div Area 1 1/2 mi SE Remilly-sur-Lozon, T39366997 1815
HQBTRY Bivouac Area, 1 1/2 mile south-east of Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 Dp Biv Area 2 1/2 S Tribehou, France 1745 T101726. Arrived Div Area 1 1/2 mi SE Remilly-sur-Lozon, T39366997 1815
A Bivouac Area, 1 1/2 mile south-east of Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 Departed Biv Area 2 1/2 mi S Tribehou France 1745, cord T40117308. Arrived Biv Area 1 1/2 mi SE Remilly-sur-Lozon, France cord T39366997
B Bivouac Area, 2 miles south-east of Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 Departed Biv Area 2 1/2 mi S Tribehou France 1345 T101726. Arrived Biv Area 1 1/2 mi SE Remilly-sur-Lozon T39366997 time 1815
C Bivouac Area, 1 1/2 mile south-east of Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 Dp Biv Area 2 1/2 S Tribehou, France 1745 T101726. Arrived Div Area 1 1/2 mi SE Remilly-sur-Lozon, T39366997 1815
SERBTRY Bivouac Area, 1 mile south of Tribehou, France1 No changes
MEDDET Bivouac Area, 1 1/2 mile south-east of Remilly-sur-Lozon, France1 Dept Biv Area 2 1/2 Mi S Tribehou, France T101726 1745. Arrived Biv Area 1 1/2 Mi SE Remilly-sur-Lozon, France T39366797 1815
324th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
A 1/2 mile east of Sainteny, France1 Howitzers fired on enemy troops and installations. Fired heavy barrage this morning. Weather: Fair and warm. Morale: Excellent.
B 1/2 mile east of Sainteny, France1 Btry in position. Firing at periodic intervals on enemy installations.
908th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ 1/2 mile south-east of Bois Grimot, France Bn in direct support of 331st Infantry. Regimental objective reached at 1615. No enemy air activity over area. No enemy artillery harassing fire in area during period. Weather: Warm, cloudy, brief light rain in early morning. Health of Command: Good. Morale: Excellent. Casualties none.
A 1 mile east of Sainteny, France 27 July 44: Btry fired a barrage from 0900 to 0930, nothing unusual happened. Weather unsettled. Morale Excellent.
B 1 mile east of Sainteny, France1 27 July 44: Btry in position firing on enemy installations. No counter btry fire. No hostile air activities. Weather: Cloudy and cool. Morale: Excellent.
C East of Bois Grimot, France 27 July 44: Position and installation remain the same. Fired arty preparation at 0900 to 0925 for 331st Inf jump off. Weather: Fair
783rd Ordnance Company, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
C 1/4 mile east of St. Quentin, France No changes