Database 83rd Infantry Division

The 83rd Infantry Division on March 28, 1945

This page shows the locations and record of events for today in 1944 or 1945. The map contains the locations, based on the coordinate on the morning report, shown in NATO symbology. A rectangle with two diagonals indicates an Infantry unit and the number on the bottom right hand indicates which organization the unit is part of (e.g. 330 is 330th Infantry Regiment). The value on the bottom left is the name of the unit (e.g. A is A Company). The table below the map contains the written locations, a link to the specific morning report of that unit and the record of events for 'today'. You can collapse the entries for specific units by clicking on the table header.

Disclaimer: The data below is solely based on the information of the morning reports. Coordinates were sometimes incorrectly noted and town names written incorrectly. A 1 indicates that the town name was corrected from the original.

This overview is brought to you by Thijs Hodiamont, documents courtesy of various contributors with a special thanks to Myra Miller, PhD. You can find us at our Facebook outlet
Unit symbols created with Unit Symbol Generator @

83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Hörstgen, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany 1 Departed fr Echt, Holland via Govt Mtr T at 0700. Arr Horstgen, Germany 0900 set up in houses throughout town.
HQCO Hörstgen, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany 1 Departed Echt, Holland 0700 and arrived Horstgen, Germany 0900. Distance traveled 40 miles.
ARTYHQ Niederheide, Willich, Germany1 Left old station at Echt, Holland and traveled 30 miles to above location. New CP opened 1800.
ARTYHQBTRY Niederheide, Willich, Germany1 Left old station at Echt, Holland and traveled 30 miles to above location. New CP opened 1800.
ARTYMEDDET Niederheide, Willich, Germany1 Left old position at Echt, Holland and traveled 30 miles to above location. New CP opened 1600.
SPTRPSHQ Hörstgen, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany 1 Left Echt, Holland bivouac area at 0700 by Govt Motor Convoy. Arrived at Horstgen, Germany bivouac area at 0900. Coor: rA1225.
SPTRPSMEDDET Hörstgen, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany 1 Left Echt, Holland bivouac area at 0700 by Govt Motor Convoy. Arrived at Horstgen, Germany bivouac area at 0900. Coor RA1225.
BAND Hörstgen, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany 1 No changes
MP Schiefbahn, Germany Departed Echt, Holland at 1410 arrived at Schiefbahn, Germany at 1545. Distance traveled thirty-nine (39) miles.
CIC Schiefbahn, Germany Detachment mvd fr Echt, Holland to Schiefbahn, Germany
QM Glehn, Korschenbroich, Germany1 Left Kirchhoven, Germany bivouac area 2010 by motor convoy. Arrived Glehn, Germany bivouac 2310. Distance traveled 43 miles.
83rd Reconnaissance Troop, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
C Schiefbahn, Germany Troop moved from Echt, Holland to Schiefbahn, Germany. Left Echt 1730 arrived Schiefbahn 2030.
83rd Signal Company, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
C Schiefbahn, Germany Company moved from Echt, Holland at 1400 and arrived at Schiefbahn, Germany at 1545. Distance traveled: 40 miles. Coordinates: 157945.
329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Horster Strasse, Schelsen, Germany1 Left Nieuwstadt, Holland VK6872 by motor and arrived at present location Horst, Germany WF1586
HQCO Horster Strasse, Schelsen, Germany1 Left Nieuwstadt, Holland VK6872 by motor and arrived at present location Horst, Germany WF1586
HQ1BN Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany1 Bn moved by truck fr Grevenbicht Holland to Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany. Bn CP at WF1285.
HQCO1BN Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany1 Co moved by truck fr Grevenbicht Holland to Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany. Co CP at WF1285. Weather fair. Morale excellent.
A Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany1 Company moved by truck from Papenhoven, Holland VK 6273 to new location Rheydt - Giesenkirchen, Germany WF 1285
B Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany1 Company moved by truck from Grevenbicht, Holland Vk6273 and arrived at new location Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany WF1285
C Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany1 Co moved from Grevenbicht, Holland VK6273 to new area at Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany WF1285
D Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany Company moved by motor convoy fr Obbicht, Holland VK6272 to new location Rheydt-Giesenkirchen, Germany WF1285
HQ2BN Horster-Schelsen, Germany Bn moved fr Buchten Holland VK6473 to Horster-Schelsen Germany WF1484
HQCO2BN Horster-Schelsen, Germany1 Co moved fr Buchten Holland VK6473 to Horster-Schelsen Germany WF1484
E Schelsen, Germany1 Left vK6673, Holtum, Holland by truck and arrived persent location
F Horster-Schelsen, Germany Entrucked at Holtum, Holland VK6673 and moved to Horster-Schelsen, Germany WF1484.
G Horster Schelsen, Germany Left Buchten, Holland VK6473 by truck and arrived Horster Schelsen, Germany WF1484.
H Horster Schelsen, Germany 27 March 45 - Co in Reserve
HQ3BN Bloffert, Germany Unit moved by motor from Limbricht Holland VK6670 and arrived at new location Bloffert Germany WF1285
HQCO3BN Bloffert, Germany Co moved by motor from Limbricht Holland VK6670 to new location Bloffert Germany WF1285
I Boffert, Germany Company moved by motor from Limbricht Holland VK6670 to new location at Boffert Germany WF1285
K Bloffert, Germany Company played a gmae of soft ball this afternoon with Co I 329th Inf. Rest of day was spent in preparation of move. Company moved by motor fr Einighavsen Holland VK6669 to Bloffert Germany WF1285.
L Bloffert, Germany Company moved by truck from town of Einighausen Holland VK6669 to town of Bloffert Germany WF1285. All arrived intact. Morale of troops high.
M Bloffert, Germany Left Guttehoven, Holland vK6670 and arr Present Location, Bloffert, Germany wF1285.
SERCO Steinhausen, Germany Company moved from Millen, Germany VK6972 at 1800 arrived at new location Steinhausen, Germany WF162860 at 2130. Men and equipment arrived safely.
ATCO Liedberg, Korschenbroich, Duitsland1 Company moved by motor fr Born Holland VK6471 to Liedberg, Germany WF1688.
CANCO Steinhausen, Germany Co moved by motor convoy fr Born, HOlland VK6471 to present area Steinhausen, Germany WF1686.
MEDDET Horst, Germany Departed Nieuwstadt, Holland 0600 by motor convoy, arrived Horst, Germany WF1586, 2100. Distance traveled approximately 50 miles.
330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Diergaarde, Maria-Hoop, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO Diergaarde, Maria-Hoop, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ1BN Linne, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO1BN Linne, The Netherlands1 No changes
A Linne, The Netherlands1 No changes
B Linne, The Netherlands1 No changes
C Linne, The Netherlands1 No changes
D Linne, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ2BN Maasbracht, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO2BN Maasbracht, The Netherlands1 No changes
E Maasbracht, The Netherlands1 No changes
F Maasbracht, The Netherlands1 As of 27 Mar 45 - Company remained in same position and prepared to move to vicinity of Wesel, Germany
G Maasbracht, The Netherlands1 No changes
H Maasbracht, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ3BN Echt, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO3BN Echt, The Netherlands1 No changes
I Echt, The Netherlands1 No changes
L Echt, The Netherlands1 No changes
M Echt, The Netherlands1 No changes
SERCO Waldfeucht, Germany No changes
ATCO Montfort, The Netherlands1 No changes
CANCO Sint Odiliënberg, The Netherlands1 No changes
MEDDET Wandelrust, The Netherlands1 No changes
331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Susteren, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO Susteren, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ1BN Stein, Selfkant, Germany1 No changes
HQCO1BN Stein, Germany No changes
A Schalbruch, Germany Company alerted for movement to new area. Quartering party sent out. Hot meals. Weather clear and cool.
B Schalbruch, Germany Co remained in same area... Town of Schalbruch. Attended a movie in the morning. Now awaiting orders on moving.
C Havert, Germany No changes
D Havert, Germany No changes
HQ2BN Roosteren, The Netherlands1 Bn alerted for movement.
HQCO2BN Roosteren, The Netherlands1 No changes
E Roosteren, The Netherlands1 No changes
F Roosteren, The Netherlands1 No changes
G Dieteren, The Netherlands1 No changes
H Roosteren, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ3BN Ohé, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO3BN Ohé, The Netherlands1 Company alerted to move after 1400.
I Laak, The Netherlands1 Preparing to move and trained entrucking and detrucking.
K Laak, Germany No changes
L Ohé, The Netherlands1 Co on two hour alert prepared to move at 2000 hrs tonight.
M Ohé, The Netherlands1 No changes
SERCO Susteren, The Netherlands1 Usual Camp Duties
ATCO Susteren, The Netherlands1 Co alerted to move. advance party left at 0900 28 Mar 45
CANCO Isenbruch, Germany No changes
MEDDET Susteren, The Netherlands1 No changes
322nd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Neersbroieh, Germany1 Left Tuddern at 1850, arrived Neersbroieh at 2230. Distance traveled: 55 miles.
HQBTRY Neersbroieh, Germany1 Departed Tuddern vK7170 at 1845, arrived Neersbroieh 1388 at 2230. Distance traveled: 55 miles.
A Neersbroieh, Germany1 Left Tuddern at 1900, arrived Neersbroieh 2230. Distance traveled: 55 miles.
B Neersbroieh, Germany1 Left Tuddern at 1900, arrived Neersbroieh 2230. Distance traveled: 55 miles.
C Neersbroieh, Germany1 Left Tuddern at 1850, arrived Neersbroieh at 2230. Distance traveled: 50 miles.
SERBTRY Neersbroieh, Germany1 Left Tuddern at 1900. Arrived at Neersbroien, 2230. Distance traveled: 55 miles.
MEDDET Neersbroieh, Germany1 Left Tuddern at 1900. Arrived at Neersbroieh 2230. Distance traveled: 55 miles.
323rd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Kaarst, Germany Departed Haaren, Germany, vK790778 at 1930. Arrived Kaarst, Germany, wF213930 at 2230. Roads: Fair. Distance traveled: 35 miles.
HQBTRY Kaarst, Germany Departed Haaren, Germany, vK790778 at 1930. Arrived Kaarst, Germany, wF213930 at 2230. Roads: Fair. Distance traveled: 35 miles.
A Kaarst, Germany Dep Biv Area, Haaren, Germany coord vK795780 at 1930. Arr Kaarst, Germany, coord wF213930. Roads: Fair. Distance traveled by mtr: 35
B Kaarst, Germany Departed Haaren, Germany vK801783 at 1930. Arrived Kaarst, Germany wF213930 at 2230. Distance traveled 35 miles. Roads: Fair.
C Kaarst, Germany Departed Haaren, Germany vK808783 at 1930. Arrived Kaarst, Germany wF213930 at 2230. Distance traveled 35 mi. Roads: Fair.
SERBTRY Kaarst, Germany No changes
MEDDET Kaarst, Germany Dept Haaren, Germany, vK790778 at 1930. Arrived Kaarst, Germany wF213930 at xxxx. Distance traveled 35 mi. Roads: Fair.
324th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ 1 mile north-west of Anrath, Germany1 Commanding General Div Arty visited CP. Two Softball games were played. Weather: Cloudy. Morale: Excellent.
HQBTRY 1 mile north-west of Anrath, Germany1 Btry played a game of softball with Btry "A". Result A tie score. Weather: Fair. Morale: Excellent.
A 1 mile south-west of Vorst, Tönisvorst, Germany1 Btry had maintenance of material. Btry played Hq Btry soft ball to a draw. Weather: Fair. Morale: Excellent.
B 1 mile south-west of Vorst, Tönisvorst, Germany1 A Softball game between Sv Btry and B Btry was played in the Btry Area. Sv Btry winning 3 to 1. Usual field duties were performed. Weather: Warm. Morale: Excellent.
C 1 mile south-west of Vorst, Tönisvorst, Germany1 Germany Army Trailer claimed for wire section. Sports program followed. Weather: Fair. Morale: Excellent.
SERBTRY 1 mile south-west of Vorst, Tönisvorst, Germany1 Soft Ball team played Btry 'B'. Score Sv Btry 3 - Btry 'B' 1. Weather: Warm and clear. Morale: Excellent.
MEDDET 1 mile north-west of Anrath, Germany1 Medical care included the evacuation of 1 EM to the hospital. Weather: Cloudy and cool. Morale: Excellent.
908th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Eikerend, Korschenbroich, Germany1 Bn in XIX Corps, IX Army. Displaced fr Tng area at Saeffelen, Germany at 2040 hours, enroute to Division assembly area at Eikerend, Germany. Arrived at 2400 hours. Distance traveled 49 miles. Roads: 43 miles good hard surface, 6 miles fair maintained gravel. Weather: Cloudy, cool with light rain during evening. Morale: Excellent. Health of Command: Good. Casualties: None.
HQBTRY Eikerend, Korschenbroich, Germany1 Btry displaced fr old position at 2040 hrs (Saeffelen, Germany). Arr new position at Eikerend, Germany at 2400 hrs. Distance traveled 49 miles. Roads: Good, hard surface 43 miles; secondary, rough roads 6 miles. Normal march: No casualties. Weather: cloudy, cool, light rain. Morale: Excellent.
A Village of Eikerend, Germany Btry left assembly area at 2045 hours, arrived in Village of Eikerend, Germany at 2355. Distance traveled 48 miles. Roads: Hard. Weather: Unsettled. Morale: Excellent.
B Eikerend, Korschenbroich, Germany1 Btry left Div Tng Area at Saeffelen, Germany at 2050 for assembly area. Arrived at 2400. Distance traveled 48 miles. Roads: Hard surface. Weather: Cloudy & rainy. Morale: Excellent.
C Eikerend, Korschenbroich, Germany1 Left bivouac area at 2045. Arrived in new Assembly area at 2400. Distance traveled: 48 miles. Roads: Hard surface. Weather: Cloudy, rain.
SERBTRY Eikerend, Korschenbroich, Germany1 Departed at Saeffelen, Germany at 2100 hours. Arrived at Eikerend, Germany at 2400 hours. Distance traveled 49 miles. Roads: Good. Weather: Cloudy with intermittent rain. Morale: Excellent.
MEDDET Eikerend, Korschenbroich, Germany1 Departed from Saeffelen, Germany at 2040. Arrived at Eikerend, Germany at 2400. Distance traveled 48.8 miles. Roads: Good. Weather: Cloudy with rain. Morale: Excellent.
308th Medical Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ 1 kilometer north of Damm, Jüchen, Germany1 23 Mar 45 to 27 Mar 45: Usual field duties. 28 Mar 45: Left Susteren, Holland, vK6775 at 1930 by mtr convoy - arrived at 1 Km N Damm, Germany, wF1884 at 2330 and billeted in Monastery. Roads: Fair. Weather: Showers. Morale: Excellent. Distance traveled: 51 miles.
HQDET 1 kilometer north of Damm, Jüchen, Germany1 23 Mar 45 to 25 Mar 45: Usual field duties. 26 Mar 45: Pers Sec (Except Tec4 Singer) joined 4 enlisted men fr Det at 1 Km NE Issum, Germany, rA1027. leaving Susteren, Holland. 27 Mar 45: Usual field duties. 28 Mar 45: Det left Susteren, Holland, vK6775 at 1930 by mtr convoy - arrived at 1 Km N Damm, Germany, wF1884 at 2330. EM Billeted in Monastery. Roads: Fair. Weather: Showers. Morale: Excellent. Distance traveled: 51 miles.
A Holtum, The Netherlands1 Station in operation. No casualties.
B Lydian, Germany1 Co still located at 1 Mi SE Schilberg, Holland, vK7277.
C Heide, The Netherlands1 Sta in operation, no casualties
D 1 kilometer north of Damm, Jüchen, Germany1 27 Mar 45 2d Plat entrucked 0800 at Susteren, Holland, vK6775 and moved by motor convoy to 1 Km N Issum, Germany, rA1029, arrived 1100, established Sta in large field. Distance traveled 45 miles. Roads: Good. Morale: Excellent. 28 Mar 45. Co D less 2d Plat closed Sta at Susteren, Holland, vK6775, 1800, entrucked at 1900 and moved by motor convoy to 1 Km N Damm, Germany, wF1884, arrived 2230 and established Sta in monastery. Roads: Fair. Weather: Rain. Morale: Excellent. Distance traveled: 43 miles.
308th Engineer Combat Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Korschenbroich, Germany Headquarters convoyed with H&S Co and Medical Detachment from Stevensweerd, Holland, vK6783 at 1830 and arrived at present location 2230. Approx distance: 62 miles. Weather: Scattered rains.
HQSVCO Korschenbroich, Germany H&S Co convoyed from Stevensweerd, Holland, vK6783 at 1830 and arrived at Korschenbroich, Germany, wF1488 at 2230. Distance traveled: Approx 62 miles. Weather: Scattered rains.
A Korschenbroich, Germany Co A convoyed from Stevensweerd, Holland at 1830 and arrived at present station at 2300. Distance traveled about 53 miles. Weather: Cloudy with occasional light showers.
B Korschenbroich, Germany Co. left Eiland, Holland at 1830 and arrived Korschenbroich, Germany at 2300. Distance traveled 55 miles. Weather: Rainy.
C Korsenbroich, Germany Company moved from Stevensweerd, Germany by motor convoy at 1830 hours. Arrived new area at 2330 hours. Traveled 53 miles. Weather: Cloudy and rain.
MEDDET Korschenbroich, Germany Medical Detachment convoyed with H&S Co and Headquarters from Stevensweerd, Holland, vK6783 at 1830 and arrived at present location at 2230. Approx distance: 62 miles. Weather: Scattered rains.
453rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery (Automatic Weapons) Battalion
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Schiefbahn, Willich, Germany1 Left old area in Birgden, vK8269 and arrived new area in Schiefbahn, wF1694.
HQBTRY Schiefbahn, Willich, Germany1 Left old area in Birgden, vK8269 and arrived new area in Schiefbahn, wF1694.
A Birgden, Germany Usual combat duties
B Birgden, Germany Enroute to new position
C Birgden, Germany Usual combat duties
D 1000 yards south-east of Vorst, Tönisvorst, Germany1 Usual combat duties
MEDDET Schiefbahn, Willich, Germany1 Left old area in Birgden, vK8269 and arrived new area in Schiefbahn, wF1694.
783rd Ordnance Company, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
C Glehn, Germany Co. moved fr Oberbruch, Germany to Glehn, Germany a distance of about 30 miles. Move made in convoy.