Database 83rd Infantry Division

The 83rd Infantry Division on February 11, 1945

This page shows the locations and record of events for today in 1944 or 1945. The map contains the locations, based on the coordinate on the morning report, shown in NATO symbology. A rectangle with two diagonals indicates an Infantry unit and the number on the bottom right hand indicates which organization the unit is part of (e.g. 330 is 330th Infantry Regiment). The value on the bottom left is the name of the unit (e.g. A is A Company). The table below the map contains the written locations, a link to the specific morning report of that unit and the record of events for 'today'. You can collapse the entries for specific units by clicking on the table header.

Disclaimer: The data below is solely based on the information of the morning reports. Coordinates were sometimes incorrectly noted and town names written incorrectly. A 1 indicates that the town name was corrected from the original.

This overview is brought to you by Thijs Hodiamont, documents courtesy of various contributors with a special thanks to Myra Miller, PhD. You can find us at our Facebook outlet
Unit symbols created with Unit Symbol Generator @

83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Argenteau, Belgium1 No changes
HQCO Argenteau, Belgium1 No changes
ARTYHQ Schaufenberg, Alsdorf, Germany1 No changes
ARTYHQBTRY Schaufenberg, Alsdorf, Germany1 No changes
ARTYMEDDET Schaufenberg, Alsdorf, Germany1 No changes
SPTRPSHQ Argenteau, Belgium1 No changes
SPTRPSMEDDET Argenteau, Belgium1 No changes
BAND Eijsden, The Netherlands1 No changes
MP Dalhem, Belgium1 No changes
CIC Dalhem, Belgium1 No changes
QM Eijsden, The Netherlands1 No changes
83rd Reconnaissance Troop, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
C Saint-André, Belgium1 No changes
83rd Signal Company, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
C Eijsden, The Netherlands1 No changes
329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Eckelrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO Eckelrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ1BN Sint Geertruid, The Netherlands1 Bn in reserve.
HQCO1BN Sint Geertruid, The Netherlands1 Co in reserve.
A Sint Geertruid, The Netherlands1 No changes
B Sint Geertruid, The Netherlands1 No changes
C Sint Geertruid, The Netherlands1 No changes
D Sint Geertruid, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ2BN Eckelrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO2BN Eckelrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
E Eckelrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
F Eckelrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
G Eckelrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
H Eckelrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ3BN Gronsveld, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO3BN Gronsveld, The Netherlands1 No changes
I Gronsveld, The Netherlands1 Company followed training schedule in billeting area.
K Gronsveld, The Netherlands1 No changes
L Gronsveld, The Netherlands1 No changes
M Gronsveld, The Netherlands1 No changes
SERCO Cadier, The Netherlands1 No changes
ATCO Herkenrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
CANCO Rijckholt, The Netherlands1 No changes
MEDDET Eckelrade, The Netherlands1 No changes
330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Mheer, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQCO Mheer, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ1BN Fouron-Le-Comte, Belgium1 Weapons inspections & church services were held during the day. Weather - rain. Morale - high.
HQCO1BN Fouron-Le-Comte, Belgium1 Weapons inspections & church services were held during the day. Weather - rain. Morale - high.
A Fouron-Le-Comte, Belgium1 Co participated in night problem - Bn in attack. Hot coffee and cake served. Weather rain. Morale excellent.
B Fouron-Le-Comte, Belgium1 No changes
C Fouron-Le-Comte, Belgium1 Company followed training schedule
D Fouron-Le-Comte, Belgium1 Company participated in night problem for Bn.
HQ2BN Libeek, The Netherlands1 Church services held for Battalion.
HQCO2BN Libeek, The Netherlands1 Sunday church services held.
E Libeek, The Netherlands1 Church services. Morale good.
F Libeek, The Netherlands1 No changes
G Libeek, The Netherlands1 Continued training.
H Libeek, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQ3BN Moelingen, Belgium1 No changes
HQCO3BN Moelingen, Belgium1 No changes
I Moelingen, Belgium1 No changes
K Moelingen, Belgium1 No changes
L Moelingen, Belgium1 No changes
M Moelingen, Belgium1 No changes
SERCO Mouland, Belgium1 No changes
ATCO Mesch, The Netherlands1 No changes
CANCO Moerslag, The Netherlands1 No changes
MEDDET Ferrières, Belgium1 No changes
331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Grand Bru, Belgium No changes
HQCO Grand Bru, Belgium Church services were held in village church for all who wished to attend. Weather rain and cold. Morale good.
HQ1BN Aisne, Belgium No changes
HQCO1BN Aisne, Belgium No changes
A Aisne, Belgium Free day. Men attended church services. Hot meals served. Weather cloudy and cooler.
B Aisne, Belgium Co rested and attended Church services.
C Villers-Sainte-Gertrude, Belgium1 No changes
D Villers-Sainte-Gertrude, Belgium1 No changes
HQ2BN Burnontige, Belgium No training to-day Co's taken to see Ft Eben Emeaul, Famous Belgium Fortress. Church Services held for Catholics and protestants. Weather cool overcast. Morale Excellent.
HQCO2BN Burnontige, Belgium No changes
E Fagne, Belgium No changes
F Burnontige, Belgium No changes
G Burnontige, Belgium No changes
H Burnontige, Belgium No changes
HQ3BN Fays, Belgium No changes
HQCO3BN Fays, Belgium Church services held today. Raining nearly all day, but morale of men high.
I Fays, Belgium Followed training schedule
K Fays, Belgium No changes
L Fays, Belgium No changes
M Fays, Belgium No changes
SERCO St. Antoine, Belgium Usual Camp Duties
ATCO Grand Bru, Belgium No changes
CANCO Berneau, Belgium1 No changes
MEDDET Grand Bru, Belgium No changes
322nd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Dürboslar, Aldenhoven, Germany1 Maj. Hereford, Capt Peckover and 1st Lt Peyton awarded Bronze Star Medal.
HQBTRY Dürboslar, Aldenhoven, Germany1 1st Lt McCullough, T/Sgt Luber, S/Sgt Joy, Sgt Czech, Tec4 Thornhill, Cpls Bachman, Koss, Screpesi, Tec5 Staller and Pvt Bombalewski awarded Bronze Star Medal.
A Dürboslar, Aldenhoven, Germany1 Capt Manning, 1st Lt Canavan, Sgt Parker, Tec 4 Slifer and Camp, Tec5 O'Grady and Churchman. Pfc Ranalli, Sihlanick, Weers and Williams, awarded Bronze Star Medal. Tec4 Karageorge awarded Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster to Bronze Star Medal.
B Dürboslar, Aldenhoven, Germany1 Capt Meyers, 1st Lt Long, Tec5 Pizer and Pvt Dovie awarded Bronze Star Medal
C Dürboslar, Aldenhoven, Germany1 2d Lt Mickelberry, Tec4 Spencer, Cpl Hughes, Pfc Leite, Wasik, Zingg, Pvts Beresh, Cantrell and Dwyer awarded Bronze Star Medal.
SERBTRY Ottenfeld, Alsdorf, Germany1 Tec4 Bosnakovic and Williams awarded Bronze Star Medal
MEDDET Dürboslar, Aldenhoven, Germany1 No changes
323rd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Merzenhausen, Jülich, Germany1 No changes
HQBTRY Merzenhausen, Jülich, Germany1 No changes
A 1 kilometer south-west of Merzenhausen, Jülich, Germany1 No changes
B 1/2 kilometer south-west of Merzenhausen, Jülich, Germany1 No changes
C 1/2 kilometer south-west of Merzenhausen, Jülich, Germany1 No changes
SERBTRY Schaufen, Germany1 No changes
MEDDET Merzenhausen, Jülich, Germany1 No changes
324th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Dürboslar, Germany1 Bn made further use of the Showers. Weather: Cloudy with rain. Morale: Excellent.
HQBTRY Dürboslar, Germany1 Usual combat duties. Btry took showers. Weather: Cold. Morale: Excellent.
A Dürboslar, Germany1 Btry personnel did usual field duties. Weather: Warm and rain. Morale: Excellent.
B 1/2 mile south-east of Dürboslar, Germany1 Usual field duties. Weather: Warm with rain Morale: Excellent.
C 1/2 mile north-west of Aldenhoven, Germany1 Training held on identification of enemy aircraft. Showers were available to btry personnel. Weather: Overcast and rain. Morale: Excellent.
SERBTRY Alsdorf, Germany1 Am train drew Am for Bn. Btry spent day cleaning and checking trucks. Bn Shop spent day checking Bn trucks. Weather: Cold with rain. Morale: Excellent.
MEDDET Dürboslar, Germany1 Usual combat duties. One EM evacuated to hospital. Weather: Cool with rain and snow. Morale: Excellent.
908th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Engelsdorf, Germany1 Specialist and refresher training during day. No activity. Weather: Rainy. Morale: Excellent. Health of Command: Good. Casualties: None.
HQBTRY Engelsdorf, Germany1 Normal activity. Weather: Light snow, rain, cloudy. Morale: Excellent.
A 3/10 mile west of Engelsdorf, Germany1 Usual duties. Weather: Cloudy and cold. Morale: Excellent.
B 1 mile west of Engelsdorf, Germany1 No activities. Weather: Cloudy, rainy & cold. Morale: Excellent.
C 1 mile west of Engelsdorf, Germany1 Usual camp duties. Weather: Rain, cold.
SERBTRY Alsdorf, Germany1 Hauling supplies. Weather: Cloudy with rain. Morale: Excellent.
MEDDET Engelsdorf, Germany1 Aid station in operation. Weather: Cloudy with rain. Morale: Excellent.
308th Medical Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ 2 1/10 mile north of Mesch, The Netherlands1 No changes
HQDET 2 1/10 mile north of Mesch, The Netherlands1 No changes
A Sint Geertruid, The Netherlands1 Station in operation, no casualties. Weather: Clear and cool. Morale of troops: Excellent.
B Fouron-Le-Comte, Belgium1 No changes
C Berneau, Dalhem, Belgium1 No changes
D 2 1/10 mile north of Mesch, The Netherlands1 No changes
308th Engineer Combat Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Warsage, Dalhem, Belgium1 No changes
HQSVCO Warsage, Dalhem, Belgium1 No changes
A Warsage, Dalhem, Belgium1 Weather: Snow. 1st Platoon and 2 squads from 3rd Platoon working on roads in vicinity.
B 1 kilometer west of Alsdorf, Germany1 Weather: Fair and cool
C 1 kilometer east of Warsage, Dalhem, Belgium1 Company repairing roads in Div sector. Weather: Cloudy and rain.
MEDDET Warsage, Dalhem, Belgium1 No changes
453rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery (Automatic Weapons) Battalion
Company / Unit Station Record of events
HQ Alsdorf, Germany1 Usual combat duties
HQBTRY Alsdorf, Germany1 Usual combat duties
A Engelsdorf, Aldenhoven, Germany1 Usual combat duties
B Dürboslar, Aldenhoven, Germany1 Gun section #4 shelled by enemy arty from 1000 to 1800. No damage.
C 1000 yards west of Merzenhausen, Jülich, Germany1 Usual combat duties
D Dürboslar, Aldenhoven, Germany1 Usual combat duties
MEDDET Alsdorf, Germany1 Usual combat duties
783rd Ordnance Company, 83rd Infantry Division
Company / Unit Station Record of events
C Maarland, The Netherlands1 No changes