Database 83rd Infantry Division

Morning report HQBTRY/324FA for February 17, 1945

Station: Dürboslar, Germany1, vK9557
Record of events: Btry left Chene-Al-Pierre, Belgium under secret orders at 2025 6 Feb 45 traveling under cover of darkness. Btry arrived in an assembly area at Mortier, vP5933 at 0235, 7 Feb 45. Btry was met at Mortier, Belgium by Lt Gruber who had gone ahead on a billeting detail. All vehicles were camouflaged upon arrival. Btry Comdr left Mortier, Belgium with First Sergeant and 2 Wire Crews at 0900 7 Feb 45 under cover of darkness and arrived at Durboslar, Germany vK9557 at 2100, 7 Feb 45. Total distance marched by mtr 97 mi. Weather: Cold. Morale: Excellent.

Morning report