Database 83rd Infantry Division

Morning report B/330 for July 27, 1944

Station: 1000 yards north-east of Le Mesnil-Vigot, France1, vT3696851
Record of events: 26 Jul 44 - Co crossed St Lo & Piss highway at 1000, being the first unit in the division to cross. Atchd with Co G north of highway, we being on the south, met strong enemy resisitence & crossfire from MG’s which held op Co most of the day. Enplayed motar and cannon fire in an attempt to knock out the enemy guns, but failed. Finally located a point in the lines where a break through was possible. Attacked again, and broke through. MG’s on left flank was knocked out by our riflemen closing in on their positions. The attack then progressed more rapidly and contact was made with the enemy who kept rolling back towards the direction of Calentinerle. Advanced 600 Yds and withdrew 200 Yds on order and consolidated our positions and tied in our defences with Co G on our right and Co E on our left. Finished digging in about 2300. Believe now the replacements have more confidence. 27 Jul 44 - Made preparations for an attack that was begun at 0815, following a ten minute artillery preparation. At 0805 artillery preparation fell into our own positions completely disorganizing the entire Company. We reorganized and moved forward the attack. After moving 200 yds another concentration of our own artillery fell into our own lines causing many casualties and again disorganizing the company. The moral of the men was then very low. Our artillery from one direction, and enemy from the other. Lt Maynard matched his wits with the artillery by jumping across the hedge when our artillery fired and returned o the other side when the enemy fired. After reorganising we pushed on in the attack again & advanced 200 yds and were met by a very strong enemy resistence. Attempted to attack to the front, but suffered many casualties so we withdrew. Leading Platoon then went around the flank (left) with the support platoon but they also met stiff resistence, so withdrew. Conacted Co C on our left and made plans for joint attack after placing down numerous concentrations of 81mm fire. Elements of Co C advanced approximately 100 yds when the enemy opened up with MG’s and a direct fire weapon believed to be a 88mm Gun. They also suffered casualties, and we were again forced to withdraw. The plain failed, period. We then received orders at 2100 to consolidate our positions, dig in and set our defences for the night. The spirit and courage of the men, new and old was outstanding, and their willingness to follow orders in the face of fierce enemy resistence was remarkable.

Morning reportMorning reportMorning reportMorning reportMorning report