Database 83rd Infantry Division

Morning report K/330 for February 16, 1945

Station: Moelingen, Belgium1, vK5742
Record of events: As of 6 Feb 45 - Usual training duties. As of 7 Feb 45 - Made movement by truck from Filot, Belgium to Mouland, Belgium - Grid Coordinates changed fr vK4605 to vK5742. As of 8 Feb 45 - Company remained in save position - Usual training schedule. As of 9 Feb 45 - Usual training duties. As of 10 Feb 45 - Usual training duties. As of 11 Feb 45 - Company remainig in same position - Day devoted to care & cleaning of Equipment. Protestand & Catholic Services held. Morale high. As of 12 Feb 45 - Usual training duties. As of 13 Feb 45 - Company remained in same position - Usual training duties. As of 14 Feb 45 - Usual training duties. As of 15 Feb 45 - Usual training duties. As of 16 Feb 45 - Company remained in same position - Followed usual training schedule - Five passes issued to men visiting nearby city of Liege, Belgium. Morale, very high.

Morning reportMorning report