Database 83rd Infantry Division

Morning report G/331 for April 14, 1945

Station: Walternienburg, Germany1, rD8928191
Record of events: Moved by motor fr town of Deensen C-7282-5642 Map of Hildesheim 1:100000 to town of Einbeck C-1469-5599 Map of Hildesheim 1:100000 a distance of 43 KM. Entrucked at 1300. Detrucked at 1700. Weather Clear and cold. Morale Excellent as of 10 Apr 45. Moved by motor fr town of Einbeck C 1469-5599 Map of Hildesheim 1:100000 to town of Westfeld C 4970-8490 Map of Hildesheim 1:100000 a distance of 35 KM. Entrucked at 1830. Detrucked at 2100. Weather Clear and warm. Morale Excellent as of 11 Apr 45. Moved by motor fr town of Westfeld C 4970-8490 Map of Hildesheim 1:100000 to town of Langenstein D 8242-5669 Map of Halberstadt 1:100000 a distance of 62 Miles. Entrucked at 1830. Detrucked at 0300. Weather Clear and cool. Morale Excellent as of 12 Apr 45. Moved by motor fr town of Langenstein D 8242-5669 Map of Halberstadt to town of Ditfurt a distance of 15 miles. Attached with Bn and moved 35 miles to town of Neugottersleben D 5732-5689 Map of Magdeburg 1:100000. Captured 340 prisoners as of 13 Apr 45. Attacked 0745. Advanced 6 miles and captured town of Calbe D 9778-5749 Map of Magdeburg 1:100000. Proceeded to town of Barbe and crossed Elbe River in assault boats at 1530 at 8869-5812 Map of Magdeburg 1:100000 with mission of protecting right flank of Division Bridgehead. Assisted in repelling two enemy counter attacks of tanks and infantry. 14 prisoners taken 17 enemy killed.

Morning reportMorning reportMorning reportMorning report