Database 83rd Infantry Division

Morning report C/331 for April 27, 1945

Station: 1/2 mile north-east of Badetz, Germany1, rD9279
Record of events: 12 Apr 45 Co again moved into town across open fields using marching fire and supported by TD fire. 35 prisoners were taken without any casualties of our own. Reorganized and moved out on the TD's over little used trails to the town of Ditfurt where hot chow was served and where we met some 160 Americans who had been German prisoners for about 6 mos. Gave them cigarettes and food. Just after dark, Co. moved to Hederalslben where roadblocks were set up for the night. 13 Apr 45, moved to field 2000 yds west of Calbe where we spent the day waiting to cross Elbe. Moved to billets in Brumby for the night. 14 Apr 45 Crossed the Elbe River to Walternienburg; worked southeast clearing woods and road towards Kameritz; cleared a strong point at Poleymuhle by killing four and capturing 28, including 3 litter cases and several walking wounded. While clearing the woods and road, the CO, Capt Patrick F Murphy, was hit in the stomach by sniper fire. Two plt lds were also evacuated. Pltn Sgt, took over the platoons and the Exec. Officer, Lt Walter H. Edwards, immediately took command in the midst of the fight. Co. set up a defense along woods facing Kameritz, digging in for the night. 15 Apr 45 Gave supporting fire of MG, TD's and riflemen to attack on Kameritz fr south. Then while direct fire of an 88 gun cleared rest of road to Kameritz, by capturing about 30 prisoners and silencing auto weapons fire. Moved into Kameritz, set up a defense of the town and dug in for the night. See 1945-05-03 for (more) information.

Morning reportMorning report